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Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Is Rustic Lodge Style Decorating?

Lodge style, or rustic decorating, gives a feeling of being in the outdoors, brings the outdoors in, or keeps memories of a cabin by a lake, camping or hiking trip, or other pleasurable outdoor/nature experience close at hand. Common colors that are used in this type of decorating are dark browns and greens, gold, red, cream, tan, and blue. Wall hangings with either painted or unfinished frames are used. Generally, items featuring bear, moose, deer, fish, wolves, and pine trees fall into this category. You can use anything as inexpensive as a basket of pine cones to something more high-end as handcrafted log furniture. The nice thing is, it all works very well together. Experiment with different pieces and placement until you find the right combination that makes you feel good! Using scented candles, tarts, or incense will give an added dimension to your experience. Of course, a nice cracking fire in the fireplace can only add to the ambiance!

Visit for information on how to sign up
for the monthly Rustic Lodge Style Decorating Newsletter.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Recently we started having people sign up at our craft shows in a drawing to win  product from the website.

Last week we gave away a Wood Bark Birdfeeder to Roseanne of Esko, MN.

This week's winner is Jackie of Esko, MN and she won the Get Out and Hike Stepping Stone.         

Would you like to be a winner, too? You can sign up at our booth at any craft fair we're at. Can't make it to the show? Drop us an e-mail at to subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Each person that subscribes to the newsletter is automatically entered in a monthly giveaway. The first issue of the newsletter will be out at the beginning of December.

See where our next craft show will be by visiting

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rustic Decorating

Been a while since I've blogged here.  I'm pleased to announce my web store is up and running full force!  I have a lot of neat rustic decorating pieces, candles, incense, and gifts.  I will be adding several more pieces to my online store that I'm currently displaying at craft shows.  If you like rustic decor, you should check this out! 
Check the website for my products.  There you'll also find dates and locations of the craft shows I'll be at so you can see the items "live", links to other cool stuff, the "Pets" page, a CafePress store, and many other fun and interesting things.
I'll be putting out my first e-newsletter at the beginning of December.  It will inform you of monthly specials, news, updates, and a couple of articles as well.  If you'd like to sign up for the newsletter, drop me an e-mail at and let me know you'd like to sign up!